Friday, March 28, 2014

In need of renewal

Maybe it's the fact that I am tired, stressed, that I have a sinus infection, or that I have been really worried about a loved one recently- but I feel old.

In years, I know I'm not, but my body, my mind, my soul all just feel really, really tired.

But I am over denying this feeling and trying to push through it. I decided today that I need to go on a journey of renewal, and to be gentle but firm in my resolution to return to my stronger, more vital self.

I have become more adjusted to the fact that life is hard- and that it isn't going to get any easier. But I also know that just because life is hard does not mean that it has to be filled with sorrow and dread. 

Regardless, I need my faith and loved ones more than ever, and hope that I can spend more of my waking hours in mindfulness, grateful for the opportunities I have been given.

I also wish that others will find the peace that I wish for myself.

May all beings be happy!


  1. First, it is great to see that you have posted! Missed you a lot!

    Second, I feel old all the time, and I'm only 23. How, odd! Maybe we have spent many lives around and it's getting to us. I do hope that you find peace for yourself and that you become your strong self again. :)

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Merry. I am glad someone at least knows what I'm talking about. I have been feeling a little better lately, but my job is very hectic and I wish I had more time to pursue the things I love, like writing and learning another language. I hope you're feeling 'less old' too, if that's how you want to feel! :)


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